Online Rummy nowadays is one of the most popular sources of entertainment, especially in India. It is one of those online card games that can be easily accessed online, either on the Rummy App or a reliable website. You can install a good Rummy App on your phone and start exploring the exciting and enchanting world of Rummy gaming.
However, users might face specific issues while playing on the app. There are a lot of possibilities of getting stuck in the middle of a game. The ambiguity and uncertainty of such situations are highly frustrating and stressful.
One such issue arises when your Rummy App stops responding, all of a sudden. This can get exasperating, especially when you are at an essential stage in the game, or worse, about to win.
We are here to let you know some of the most apparent reasons, behind your application’s unresponsiveness and how can you fix it:
- You May Have an Internet Connection Problem: As online Rummy requires a high-speed internet connection for the smooth working of the game, an internet connection with low speed can lead your Rummy App to become unresponsive at times. So, the first step should be to check the connectivity of your network.
Solution: If you identify a poor network or some other connectivity glitch to be the issue, you can try to check your server or Wi-Fi connections. Also, you can check your mobile data if you are using one. It is advisable to use an internet connection of speed above – 256 KBPS.
- Presence Of Malware Or Virus In Your Device Or System: Sometimes, malware or virus can enter the system of the device you’re operating. This will slow down some or most of the apps in your device.
Solution: You can check your system or device. Install an anti-virus app to give your phone protection from malware. A simple protective service can do a great deal in this regard. You have to prevent your device from getting unnecessary viruses by using trusted sites only.
- App Constantly Showing ‘Error’ Or ‘Force Stop’: This mistake is quite common, especially if you are a newbie with the gaming Apps or not very familiar with Rummy App. Sometimes, people mistakenly force stop the app or the app stops working, showcasing some error message.
Solution:Go to Settings on your mobile phone. Click on ‘all apps’ section, choose your Rummy app and disable the force stop feature. You will have your app working again. If this doesn’t work, you can clear the cache and the data of the device to make it work again.
So, as we’ve mentioned online Rummy may have some cons over offline Rummy, but they can be quickly dealt with and resolved. These issues with your Rummy App can be because of several reasons, like – an internet connection problem, presence of any malware in your device or system or you might have force stopped your Rummy account by mistake. In such cases, you need to understand the issue and work upon it to fix the problem.