
Addiction Recovery: The Six Stages

Pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and termination are the six phases of addiction recovery referred to as the trans theoretical model stages. Not everyone goes through these stages in the same order, and some may stay in one stage longer than others or alternate between them.

1.  Pre-Contemplation

In the early stages of addiction recovery, a person suffering from a drug or alcohol addiction rarely considers or comprehends the problems with their behaviour. It’s possible that the person is oblivious of their problem. Others may have enabled them in their active addiction, and they may have never faced any consequences for their actions. An addict’s behavior may be considered favorable at this point because it has not resulted in any negative consequences. They might not want to accept help or therapy for their addiction.

There are four types of “pre-contemplators,” or four groups into which people in this stage can be classified:

  • Pre-contemplator who is hesitant to think about it. This type of pre-contemplator is completely oblivious of their condition and has no desire to alter.
  • Pre-contemplator who is disobedient. Because they dislike being punished or guided, this pre-contemplator refuses to let go of their addiction.
  • Contemplator who has surrendered. This type of pre-contemplator feels helpless because of their addiction.
  • The rationalizing pre-contemplator. This pre-contemplator is constantly prepared with responses and justifications for their actions.

We all know that addiction is a debilitating condition that may trap a person if they don’t seek treatment. At Mallard Detox Center we provide a wide range of effective addiction treatment programs in Houston that address a wide range of alcohol and drug addiction issues.

2. Contemplation

The person may understand they have a problem at this point in their addiction recovery. At this point, a person may not feel ready to commit totally to treatment. They are, however, more willing to hear about the long-term consequences of substance usage and treatment choices. They’re still debating whether or not to take that first step, as the stage’s name suggests.

3. Preparation

The person is ready to take the first step in their rehabilitation at this point. They may meet with a health care specialist to develop recovery objectives and determine the best treatment option.

4. Action

The person may display actual change at this stage of addiction rehabilitation. Detox and inpatient therapy may be used to help many people in the action stage get back on their feet. To uncover the underlying causes of their addiction and learn how to manage with them, the individual may participate in group therapy, individual therapy, addiction counseling, or holistic treatments.

5. Maintenance

Recovering addicts will learn to adjust to a life without addiction throughout this period. During the early stages of drug addiction recovery, patients are typically most motivated. While not everyone experiences relapse, it is an inevitable part of the recovery process.

6. Termination

When the threat of addiction is “terminated,” the process is called termination. The person no longer feels threatened or limited by their addiction at this time.

Mallard Lake Is the Solution to All of Your Problems

Our residential treatment program at Mallard Lake Detox Center, Houston conducts a medically supervised detox to patients before starting inpatient treatment. This medical detox reduces the severity of withdrawal symptoms thus helps our patients maintain their sobriety.