It is every guy’s dream to have beautiful, sexy ladies fawning over him. In the real world, most guys find it hard to strike up a conversation with a lady. The strip club might just be the only place where you will find women tripping over themselves just to please you. From the moment you walk into a room, there’s a girl who wants you to taste heaven. The fact is that there are more than a dozen sexy girls who will treat you like you are the king. Even the most socially awkward guy might find it easy to hold a conversation in a strip club. It has been said that the best way to test out pick-up lines that work is to try some on strippers. Strippers have heard their fair share of lines. You would have to come up with something memorable.
Here are some pretty good ones:
“I am not really this tall it’s just that I’m sitting on top of my wallet.”
The line is funny but it shows the fact that you are aware that the girl is providing a service that you should be prepared to pay for.
You know that strippers have stage names and that they wouldn’t give you their real names if you asked. If she comes up with a name like “Peaches” maybe your name could be “Big Boy Dinga-ling” or “Sir Lancelot” or some other ridiculous name. Always try something different from what most people would do, something that will make her laugh. It proves you are really just about having fun and the best night of your life. A weird name like that also sticks, she will definitely remember you the next time you go to that same strip club.
Do not try the old and stale lines like, “heaven must be missing an Angel” or “ I am Wondering If You Have An Extra Heart, Because Someone Just Stole Mine” and something like “Your Eyes Are Bluer Than The Ocean, I Don’t Mind Being Lost in them” or a cheesy line about a girl being an appendix because you have this need to take it/her out. There are thousands of cringe-worthy lines that strippers hear daily. The best way to go is to try to get them to laugh.
More than anything, every woman wants to be told that they are beautiful. If you are talking to a dancer, telling them that they are really good at what they do might work. Compliments will always get you a smile or something more. Small talk can help break the ice but do try not to be boring. A lot of strip club punters end up complaining about their wives or about work. If you have to, don’t expect the lady to give you advice. Talking to a stripper or anyone can be therapeutic but they aren’t psychiatrists, they can only lend a hand and an ear
Strip club performers like to be treated like normal girls. They are after all just regular girls trying to make a living. They appreciate it if a customer asks how their day has been, how they are feeling, where they are from – personal questions that aren’t too intrusive. Talk about yourself, a movie you have watched, a TV show you absolutely love just be normal. Pick-up lines can be tiresome. These ladies have to field countless advances every day, they have real-life partners and are just trying to make some money and maybe have a pleasant time doing that.