To protect your investment in an electric vehicle (EV), battery maintenance is essential. In recent decades, society has become dependent on battery-powered devices and machinery. These technologies have become an increasingly vital part of your lives. As EVs are a significant financial investment built to last much longer than smartphones and laptops, it is essential to give additional consideration and care to electric car charging and battery utilisation.
Although EV batteries are virtually maintenance-free for users, since EV owners cannot directly access their battery under the hood, some steps are vital to prolonging the battery’s life. Here are five best practices to extend the lifespan of your EV battery.
1. Understand Your EV
Understanding the range and charge rate capabilities of your EV is essential for any new EV driver. If you should stop at a rapid charging station in Singapore, you must be aware of your vehicle’s maximum charge rate. For instance, if your EV’s maximum charge rate is 50kW, it cannot charge any faster than 50kW when connected to a 50kW charge point.
2. Observe Charging Speed
Best practices for EV battery charging in Singapore indicate that Level 3 chargers (commercial systems that provide the fastest available charging speed) should not get used because the high currents they generate may result in high temperatures that stress EV batteries. Level 1 chargers, on the other hand, are sluggish and insufficient for many drivers who rely on their EVs for local transportation. Level 2 chargers are superior to Level 3 chargers for EV batteries and can charge up to eight times faster than Level 1 systems.
3. Explore All Available Charging Features
There are a variety of options available for charging your electric vehicle. Hyper-rapid EV charging stations in Singapore can replenish your battery much more quickly than a regular 8-10 amp outlet, making it ideal for when time is of the essence. However, if you are not in a hurry, overnight charging at home or in a hotel is perfectly safe and will save you time overall.
4. Understand That Extreme Temperatures Affect EV Charging
Whether your EV is at your workplace or home, try to minimise the time in extreme temperatures. Following this EV charging practice in Singapore does not preclude you from storing or operating your vehicle in extremely hot or cold environments; however, if you do so repeatedly over a long period, your battery will degrade more quickly.
5. Don’t Overcharge
When it comes to charging and the development of lithium-ion batteries used by EVs, it is preferable to charge to around 80% and not 100%. Avoid charging your vehicle’s battery to 100% unless you anticipate needing a full charge that day. It is because EV batteries are taxed more when they are near or at peaked capacity. And for many EV batteries, it is advised not to charge in your charging station in Singapore beyond 80%. With many newer EV models, this is simple to address, as you can set a maximum charging rate to protect the battery’s lifespan.
To maximise your charge at EV charging stations in Singapore, visit SP Mobility for guidelines.