
How do I check my fertility?

Fertility problems can arise from both the wife and husband. It is best to meet and consult a reproductive specialist to help you find out the exact reasons for your infertility and get it treated accordingly. An obstetrician is a female reproductive specialist while an urologist or specifically an andrologist is a male fertility specialist. You will first need to get an appointment in clinic to meet these reproductive specialists for a one to one session together with your couple.

Your specialist will first ask a few questions to the couples to get a thorough history to get a clearer picture of your fertility issue. Some common questions will be on frequency of sexual intercourse, duration of trying without any birth control plans and so forth. You and your partner will then be evaluated with few investigations to check your fertility.

Continue reading the article to know more about how you can check your fertility with a reproductive specialist?

What are the common investigations carried out?

The common investigations carried out for both men and women are different and will be discussed further in this article. It will be done appropriately as indicated after taking a thorough history and several physical examinations on both the husband and wife. Unnecessary investigations should be avoided as the cost of these tests are expensive.

For men, the most important investigation carried out is seminal fluid analysis (SFA). You are required to abstain from masturbation or sexual intercourse 3 days before the examination. The semen collected is then stored in a seminal fluid bottle at body temperature and transported to the laboratory within an hour.

The semen is then examined for multiple criterias to find abnormalities in your semen. The criterias tested are volume, liquefaction time, concentration, motility, morphology of sperm and total white cell count in the semen. To make a working diagnosis, the test will be repeated with another specimen 3 months apart and repeated after 1 month if any severe abnormalities are detected. Apart from that, serum follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone and testosterone will also be taken if severe oligospermia or azoospermia is detected from seminal fluid analysis.

For females, the tests carried out are more complex and expensive. For instance, serum hormone levels are first taken to identify any ovulation problems, if your menstrual cycle is regular, an additional mid luteal serum progesterone test will be taken to further evaluate ovulation status. Transvaginal ultrasound is the choice of investigation if your menstrual cycle is irregular.

Other appropriate blood tests are like thyroid function test and serum prolactin to rule out underlying medical causes causing infertility among females. Apart from that, hysterosalpingography  is also done to look for any abnormalities on your uterine outline simultaneously looking for any congenital uterine anomaly or fibroids preventing implantation of embryos. Hysterosalpingography is a more reliable test and less invasive compared to diagnostic laparoscopy.

Diagnostic laparoscopy on the other hand is a more sensitive and specific test to have a direct visualization of the female reproductive structures. However, it is an invasive test and only done for suitable patients so less complications can be anticipated after the procedure. There are more other tests to check your fertility in a reproductive or fertility clinic. You will first need to meet a reproductive specialist and have a discussion with them.

After a thorough history, physical examination and several investigations, your reproductive specialist will then discuss with you on treatment options suitable for your diagnosis and problem. Your specialist will explain in detail the pros and cons of each treatment plan.