
How Your Body Type Determines How Fat You Are

It isn’t a surprise that different body types exist as humans, just as there is a species of plant called “potatoes” but with different types. However, we still have different types of potatoes! Alright, enough of the digression, now down to business.

There are three main recognized human body types, each with unique features that differentiate it from the others. Each human being belongs to one of these three. Any exception can be classified as an alien from another planet, or a mutant, maybe. Ok, enough of the running around again. The three body types are;

  • Endomorph
  • Mesomorph
  • Ectomorph

Whichever of the three groups an individual belongs to determines how fat the person will be in appearance. It also determines if the individual can increase or decrease body weight with ease or with difficulty. It can also help in mapping plans for maximizing weight gain or loss. These facts will be obvious as we do some little discourse on each of the three body types’ features.


This is a body type that’s well built and muscular with highly responsive muscle cells. The muscle and one structure of a mesomorph are reasonably large. A person with this body type can easily lose or gain weight as desired by dieting and exercise. The appropriate diets for mesomorphs are meals rich in lean protein and complex carbohydrates. Beans, wholegrain, lentils, fish, vegetables are all diets fit for the mesomorph.


Ectomorphs are lean and possess fast metabolism; that is, it is a body with a speedy rate of burning calories. In appearance, an ectomorph is lean, small, and thin. Protein and high carbohydrates should be a constant part of an ectomorph’s food. This will assist the body in building body mass that is usually lacking in such body type. Ectomorphs need meals with substantial calorie contents. Pasta, brown rice, eggs, meats, etc., are samples of diets for an ectomorph. The focus for the ectomorph is gaining fats.


These are individuals with body shapes that can be described as quite stocky. It’s a body that gains fat easily, has a slow metabolism, and has difficulty in losing weight. Endomorphs are pear-shaped, high fat, and quite big. Meals with less fat, more protein, low or no calories are the diets for the endomorph. Also, constant good bodily exercise is highly recommended.

Unlike the ectomorph that works at gaining weight, Endomorphs work at losing it, and it’s a hell of a task for them as their body type favors weight gain more than weight loss. Keeping a great diet such as different types of potato diets would really help