If you file a claim for workers’ compensation payments, your insurer may request that you take a deposition. A conference in which a party or other witness answers questions under oath is called a deposition. Even though you will most likely be treated properly and kindly during a deposition, you should prepare thoroughly. You should be familiar with the medical documents associated with the claim.
You should also go through any details of the accident and the injuries that you have provided. This will help you avoid making contradictory comments during the deposition, which could jeopardize your credibility at any subsequent hearing. Check out this source to learn more about how you can prepare for a deposition.
You will see a written transcript of your statements following the deposition. If it does not exactly reflect what you stated, you can request that it be fixed. If you hire an attorney, they will assist you in preparing for the deposition and protecting your rights throughout it. They can keep the opposing party from asking inappropriate questions that violate deposition regulations, and they can help explain any questions that seem unclear.
Understanding workers’ comp deposition
A workers’ compensation deposition is a videotaped interview in which an injured worker, another witness, and a doctor answer questions under oath. Since insurance companies often depose injured workers during workers’ compensation lawsuits, you will almost certainly be called to testify with questions and answers in one of these sessions.
Being prepared and understanding what to expect can help alleviate the deposition’s sting. It is also worth noting that depositions in workers’ compensation lawsuits are rarely the dramatic spectacles depicted in movies and TV shows. Rather than being hostile and aggressive, the lawyers present at your deposition will most likely be nice and kind.
Preparing for workers’ comp deposition
If you have involved an attorney, he or she should assist you in preparing for the deposition. You should review your personal notes and records, with or without a lawyer, to refresh your memory of the accident, your symptoms, and injuries, when you could not work, and the other problems you will most likely be asked about.
What happens at workers’ comp deposition
The deposition is usually held in a conference room at a law firm. Although some jurisdictions previously permitted remote depositions through phone or video conferencing, this has grown more widespread since the outbreak of COVID-19.
However, many states require both parties to agree to conduct a deposition remotely rather than in person, so consult with your attorney to determine what your state’s laws require.